The 4 step marketing automation health check

The 4 step marketing automation health check

Let me start by declaring that I’m an advocate of marketing automation technology. Old school batch and blast marketing is failing to engage recipients as inbox sizes bloat and time is stretched.

In an ideal world marketing reaches the recipient with the right message and timing to solve an issue they have. Marketing automation (if configured correctly) can achieve this for B2B and B2C organisations.

Are you ready for marketing automation?

Take this questionnaire to discover your marketing automation readiness score. Select the description that is closest to your organisation.

  1. How would describe your marketing processes?
  2. We do not have any annual plans or processes for marketing activity

    We understand how our customers buy but don’t have documented processes yet

    Our processes are documented and calender planned against the buying patterns of our customers

  3. How well do you know your customers?
  4. We use a CRM (like Salesforce) that captures data on our customers and prospects

    Most of our customer data is in the heads of our sales team

    We have customer data in different files and formats throughout the company

  5. What marketing and sales content do you have?
  6. We have some internal sales documents that could be prepared for the customer

    We have articles, brochures, price lists and blogs in a digital, customer ready format

    Printed brochures are our main marketing material and we have a simple website

  7. How technology oriented is your company?
  8. We are fast to adopt technology and our staff are IT literate and competent

    We have the bare minimum IT equipment in the office

    We’re taking on more technology and are determined to try and get value from it

Now click "Get my Readiness Rating" to get your Marketing Automation Readiness score.

Find out what the scores mean at the Marketing Automation Score Sheet.

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David Sealey is a trusted adviser to senior executives on getting the most from their investment in digital and data. David created Storm81 as a place to share his passion for business, digital technologies, multichannel marketing and everything else around these topics.

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