Launching Storm81: A New Home for my Work on Digital Strategy

Launching Storm81: A New Home for my Work on Digital Strategy
Night city scene, up view, Piatra Neamt in Romania

When I originally started blogging, I didn’t expect much of the blog and built a simple WordPress site on to an existing domain I had called theSealeys. As the popularity of the blog has grown I felt it was time that we took on a new name and a rebrand.

Criteria one: A short easy to say domain name

The number of times I had to spell the name was frustrating. It wasn’t easy to hear when said and – to make matters worse – was a rather than .com domain.

Storm81 is short, contains a simple recognisable word (one that can also be pictured) followed by a number. I’m fortunate to own the .com and other variations of the domain too.

Criteria two: It needed to be separated from me as an individual

In order for the blog to mature, I wanted to distinguish it from me and therefore dropped any reference to my name in the domain.

Criteria three: A grown up logo and colour scheme that suits my industry

With the help of Mrs Sealey, we embarked on a review of industry logos to discover what would work.

Having reviewed the logos of leading tech companies I decided on a simple typeface based logo with a blue and orange contrast.

Storm81 mood board
Logo mood board for Storm81. Can you spot it?

The colour scheme came from a blend of cool corporates (LinkedIn et al) with a splash of new school digital cool (Zapier).

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David Sealey is a trusted adviser to senior executives on getting the most from their investment in digital and data. David created Storm81 as a place to share his passion for business, digital technologies, multichannel marketing and everything else around these topics.

More about David Sealey

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