DBRU: Omnichannel, Kaggle and the Disney Institute

DBRU: Omnichannel, Kaggle and the Disney Institute

Social, mobile and local – Omnichannel experiences for retail

Creating unified retail experiences across digital, physical, mobile and social is the new challenge. In this post on the Capgemini Customer Experience blog I discuss the need for retail innovation.

Social, Mobile and Local for Omnichannel Customer Experiences

Kaggle – A mash-up of the olympics and analytics

Think you can predict how many people will be admitted to hospital next year based on historic data? If you could then it could equal $3,000,000! Kaggle creates competitions from data for analysts to compete on. It’s a great site with an intro video worth watching.


Disney Institute comes to Yorkshire

If money and time allowed I’d love to go to this event. The renowned Disney Institute is coming to Yorkshire to share advice on Leadership, HR and Quality. Well worth attending.

Disney Institute in Yorkshire

What have I missed? Can you make any recommendations of articles that should be in the round-up in the comments?

David Sealey is a trusted adviser to senior executives on getting the most from their investment in digital and data. David created Storm81 as a place to share his passion for business, digital technologies, multichannel marketing and everything else around these topics.

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