CEO’s Digital Services Playbook

Following Barack Obama’s launch of the US Digital Service and the publication of the Digital Services Playbook (I’m sure there was an apostrophe due in that), I wanted to modify the plays and opening statement for private sector CEOs.
The CEO’s Digital Services Playbook
Your customers expect to interact with your business through digital channels such as websites, email, and mobile applications. By building better digital services that meet the needs of your customers, you can make the delivery of your products and services more effective.
Today, too many of digital projects do not deliver business value, are delivered late, or are over budget. To increase the success rate of these projects, businesses must take a new approach. We created a playbook of 13 key “plays” drawn from successful best practices from the private sector and government that, if followed together, will help you build effective digital services.
- Understand what people need
- Address the whole experience, from start to finish
- Make it simple and intuitive
- Build the service using agile and iterative practices
- Structure budgets and contracts to support delivery
- Assign one leader and hold that person accountable
- Bring in experienced teams
- Choose a modern technology stack
- Deploy in a flexible hosting environment
- Automate testing and deployments
- Manage security and privacy through reusable processes
- Use data to drive decisions
- Default to open
So how’s your business doing? How many of those points can you check?
I occasionally worry that I’m too strongly opinionated in my blog articles. But when I see businesses that are squandering their digital opportunity, I’m renewed in my desire to challenge leaders to do more.
So there you have it, 13 challenges for CEOs.
You can read the original US Digital Service’s Playbook (I added the apostrophe) here –