Mapping the Customer Journey across All Channels

There are over 100 individual channels that your customer will be using to engage with your business. By mapping these channels to different stages in the customer journey you can better understand where investment is needed in your business’ customer experience.
The table below shows the mapping process. Each stage of the customer journey is mapped across the top (this may be different for each customer segment). Running down the sheet are the individual channels that you invest in as a business. Call centre, account teams, email marketing, website, social media and any others.
The final stage is to highlight whether a channel is used for a specific part of the customer journey. I’ve used black bullet points to highlight whether a channel is used or not. This binary yes or no may not work for you. Instead colour coding or Harvey balls may serve to say whether a channel is good or bad at delivering that stage of the customer journey.
Here’s the map of how I use the matrix when working with my clients:
Further information:
- List of all marketing channels
- Email as a channel
- Top five channels that must be in your multichannel strategy
- Contact David
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