Six ways to drive forward Digital Transformation

Six ways to drive forward Digital Transformation

A lot of businesses are stuck at the point of execution. After the ideas have been generated and the plans laid; change grinds to a halt and the hoped for strategic transformation is never fully realised.

So how do you strike forward positively with strategic change? Let me provide six ideas:

  1. Build your transformation around a big, yet still realistic, opportunity. Senior management should understand and be united in the pursuit of this opportunity.
  2. Transform from the bottom up. Gather a team of bright, motivated volunteers to form a steering committee that is tasked with achieving the opportunity.
  3. Allow the volunteers to develop the strategic initiatives. Senior management are there to guide and support not instruct.
  4. If your vision is right and the energy is good, you’ll continue to build out the volunteers who want to be involved in the transformation. Create teams filled with multi-disciplined enthusiastic volunteers.
  5. Where well formed initiatives exist, provide funding and/or resources to get things moving.
  6. Celebrate every success (big or small) to create a culture where change is rewarded.

PS These aren’t my ideas – go read John Kotter’s article Accelerate at HBR for the full guide on how to drive strategic change.

David Sealey is a trusted adviser to senior executives on getting the most from their investment in digital and data. David created Storm81 as a place to share his passion for business, digital technologies, multichannel marketing and everything else around these topics.

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