Yes you do need a Chief Marketing Technologist

Yes you do need a Chief Marketing Technologist

70% of marketing decision makers believe that they will be hiring a Chief Marketing Technologist (or equivalent job title) in the next 5 years. This is great news given the rising importance of martech in delivering personalised customer experiences.

As channel choice has grown, so has the need for an increasingly integrated set of marketing and CX technology. Integrated in that it needs to share data on customer demographics, behaviour and events to then provide the customer with the optimal communication or experience. Whilst there are some options for all in one “marketing clouds” a typical route is to have a mixed marketing platform of solutions.

Selecting, installing, integrating, monitoring, optimising and then retiring these solutions is therefore a crucial role. One that falls between IT and Marketing and suits a new breed of marketing technologists. Professionals who understand copywriting and creative as well as they understand SQL and APIs.

Marketing Technologists should also fulfil a much broader role of helping the organisation find appropriate new technology and to then leverage the technology in improving the overall customer experience.

Expect to see more marketing technologists emerging in the next few years.

If this is something of interest I recommend getting tickets to Scott Brinker’s MarTech Conference Europe. I’m going to be attending and am really looking forward to the event.

David Sealey is a trusted adviser to senior executives on getting the most from their investment in digital and data. David created Storm81 as a place to share his passion for business, digital technologies, multichannel marketing and everything else around these topics.

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