Summer reading list

With the first draft of my dissertation completed I’m finding that I now have time to read what I choose to read. I’d expected the MBA program to tire me of reading, but it’s quite the opposite. Over the last two years I’ve gradually built up this list of books that I plan on reading over the next few weeks. Having been asked by a colleague what these were I thought I’d share it here:
The Intelligent Investor
As readers of this blog will know I’m a huge Warren Buffett fan so it made sense to pick up the book he described as “the best book on investing ever written”. Hopefully I can replicate some of his success.
The Intelligent Investor: Amazon UK |
Tap Dancing to Work
The Buffett trend continues with this biography on the life of Warren Buffett and his legendary letters to investors.
Tap Dancing to Work: Amazon UK |
Businss at the Speed of Thought
Back in 2000, Bill Gates released a book on the need for technology to enable immediate business transformation. Whilst I believe that high speed home internet, software as a service business models and cloud computing are speeding up this vision we’ve still got a long way to go. IT project cycles are far too long and expensive and business change remains a painful experience. Expect a post summarising my thoughts on this.
Business at the Speed of Thought: Amazon UK |
Building Disney
Disney World has been the long-term favoured destination for the Sealey family. Each time I visit I marvel at this huge, complex organisation that all started with two brothers and a mouse.
Building a Company: Roy O. Disney and the Creation of an Entertainment Empires: Amazon UK |
Cashflow Quadrant
Employed, self-employed, business owner and investor. These are the four wealth generating segments of Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad series. From this I hope to understand how to balance my families security across all four quadrants.
Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant: Amazon UK |
The Leader’s Handbook
I scanned through this book and have borrowed some its frameworks but haven’t yet had chance to truly absorb all the amazing content. Again expect a blog post summarising how the concepts can be applied in the digital age.
The Leader’s Handbook: Amazon UK |
Strategy Safari
Mintzberg’s examination of managing strategy has been highly recommended to me and therefore I’m looking forward to getting stuck into this book.
Strategy Safari: Amazon UK |
There’s more…
My Amazon wish list continues to grow every day. So if you think I’m missing something I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter with the hash tag #sealeyreads.
Finally for anyone wondering how I’m going to fit in all this reading I suggest you check out Tim Ferris’ simple guide to speed reading.