Omnichannel PowerPoint Resources
Omnichannel Resources
PowerPoint slides on Omnichannel for your projects
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Omnichannel Powerpoint Download
Crafting good looking slides is hard-work. Download this PowerPoint file to get some great graphics to use in your business presentations on omnichannel or multichannel retail.
Included slides
- Single Channel to Omnichannel: Defining single channel, multichannel and ominchannel
- Web vs Store Experience: Key differences in two retail channels
- Five Staff Capabilities in the Omnichannel Age: How staff need to be prepared in order to support the Omnichannel experience
- Centralised IT Capabilities Deliver the Omnichannel Experience: Technical and marketing capabilities should not be siloed by channel
- Current World to New World Swoosh: Identifying our route forward with Omnichannel