Omnichannel PowerPoint Resources

Omnichannel Resources

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Omnichannel Powerpoint Download

Crafting good looking slides is hard-work. Download this PowerPoint file to get some great graphics to use in your business presentations on omnichannel or multichannel retail.

Included slides

  • Single Channel to Omnichannel: Defining single channel, multichannel and ominchannel
  • Web vs Store Experience: Key differences in two retail channels
  • Five Staff Capabilities in the Omnichannel Age: How staff need to be prepared in order to support the Omnichannel experience
  • Centralised IT Capabilities Deliver the Omnichannel Experience: Technical and marketing capabilities should not be siloed by channel
  • Current World to New World Swoosh: Identifying our route forward with Omnichannel

Further reading:


Can I use the slides in my paid for work?
Yes. The download entitles you to use the slides as you please in a single project. Of course I can’t enforce this but please try and be honest in your use of my work.
Do I need to attribute you as the source?
It’s not necessary to do this providing that you paid for the file. I won’t mind if you do attribute me in your final work but there’s no imperative to do so.
Can you make some custom slides for me?
That’s not really my thing but do get in contact if you have specific requirements – contact page.
I need some help downloading the file...
After making payment you should be redirected to a download page and receive an email with the download link. If this doesn’t work, get in touch with your order details and I’ll email you the file directly – contact page.
I need some help with PowerPoint
Not sure that I’m the best person to help with this. If you’re struggling with PowerPoint then I suggest turning to Google for training videos.

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