Email Marketing Channels

All Channels > Email Channels
Number of Channels: 5
Average SCI Score: 8/10
Average Channel Versatility: 55%
Email messages are delivered directly to specific customers or prospects. The message can relate to service based messaging, transactional receipts or promotional messages.

Email marketing is a versatile, low cost channel that enables marketers to engage in direct, personalised engagement with a prospect or customer.

Not only is email ubiquitous with customers, its direct and digital attributes allow it to be measured with accuracy.

Given the great power of email marketing, it is incredible that so many brands are getting it wrong.

Full list of Email channels

Channel Group Direct Response Personalisable Inbound Above the Line Sealey Channel Index
Email Email Yes Yes Yes 10
Email Signatures Email Yes 7
Marketing Email Email Yes Yes 7
Newsletter Email Yes Yes Yes 7
Transactional Email Email Yes Yes 7