All Marketing Channels

Every Marketing Channel

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35 channel attributes

35 different attributes have been recorded against each channel to provide you with an easy means to find the right channel for your needs. These attributes are:

  • Group, the primary group that the channel belongs to
  • Definition, link to Wikipedia or another source that defines the channel
  • Direct Response, whether the channel can be used for direct marketing
  • Personalisable, whether the channel can be personalised to individual customers or not
  • Inbound, is the channel an inbound marketing channel
  • Above the Line, can the channel be described as serving mass media
  • Scales, does the channel easily scale from 1,000s to 100,000s
  • Brand Awareness, whether the channel can be used for brand awareness activities
  • Brand Reinforcement, whether the channel can be used to reinforce brand messages
  • Brand Score, of the two brand attributes – how highly does the channel score (out of two)
  • Customer Acquisition, whether the channel supports customer acquisition
  • Customer Conversion, whether the channel supports conversion events
  • Customer Engagement, whether the channel can be used to engage with and improve engagement with customers
  • Customer Retention, whether the channel can be used to retain customers
  • Customer Score, score out of four based on the number of customer activities the channel supports
  • Function Marketing, can the channel be used for marketing activities
  • Function Service, can the channel be used to support customers
  • Function Transactional, can the channel be used for conducting transactions
  • Function Delivery, can goods (digital or physical) be delivered through the channel
  • Function Score, score out of four based on the number of practical functions the channel can provide
  • Channel Digital, can the channel be delivered digitally
  • Channel Email, is the channel reliant on email
  • Channel Outdoors, is the channel typically placed outdoors or can it be
  • Channel Person, does the channel require a human (i.e. it is not automated)
  • Channel Physical, is the channel tangible
  • Channel PR, does the channel rely upon public relations
  • Channel Print, can this channel be printed onto physical materials
  • Channel Phone/Mobile, are (mobile) phones required for the channel
  • Channel Social, does the channel connect with social networks
  • Channel Store, is the channel delivered through physical retail outlets
  • Channel TV/Radio, for channels that are delivered via TV or radio
  • Channel Score, total score for all of the channels
  • Cost, relative cost marked out of 5
  • Total Score, total score across channel, functionality, customer and branding
  • Sealey Channel Index, unique score based on the channels flexibility, value and personalisation to the customer


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